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More Than Money Workshop Documents

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A Two-Day Workshop to Go Beyond the Dollars So You Can Live with More Joy

The Participant 'Listening Guide' will need to be pre-printed and ready to fill out during the workshop. All other

files and forms can be printed and used for further Tips, Goals and Directions during and well after the workshop for Lifelong God centered financial security and practices. 

Listening Guide: 

Print and have this guide ready to be filled out during the workshop. 

Welcome To The More Than Money Workshop 

A Side Hustle sounds like something only Millennials do. However, we can see many people doing the same thing, an elderly person holding her quarterly garage sale, a neighbor who fixes computers on the side, a friend’s mother who teaches after work. All of these activities help make people extra money by something they love.

We are all influenced by our experiences and our past shapes our present—often without us even realizing it. This is especially true with how we think about money. 

We all relate to money on three basic levels: Practical / Emotional /Spiritual

It is mind-boggling the number of things we can spend our hard-earned money on. Let’s take a moment to step back and look at our broad needs and wants. What does my family really NEED? How much are we spending on the things we WANT? Are we only saving and giving the money that happens to be left over?

Because everything we have is a gift from God, we are called to manage our resources wisely for God, for others and for ourselves. This exercise calls us to consider how our interests and passions connect with the needs and opportunities around us in giving back.

We are living in a culture where we buy things through subscriptions and memberships. We buy movies, clothes, food and insurance. We also subscribe for other reasons: perks of membership, free shipping, early access and premium products. Subscriptions are convenient. Once we find something we like we don’t have to shop for it again—we can set it and forget it. What happens with the subscriptions you aren’t using or don’t find valuable anymore? Which memberships are you paying for that could be eliminated or reduced? What monthly bills do you have that could be renegotiated? Eliminate, reduce or renegotiate might be the easiest way to stop a money leak

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